Resolution of QuickBooks POS Error 1330

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These digital signatures are dated and often compared to the system date. When you come across this error, it is recommended that you reset your system. It is also acknowledged as a Windows Error. It is suggested that you uninstall your POS application and repair your corrupted dat

One such error that you will come across when you are working on the software is QuickBooks POS error 1330. You will encounter this error while downloading the QuickBooks Desktop POS application on your system. QuickBooks error code 1330 is considered a fatal error. This is because of the presence of the allocated error 1330 Invalid digital signature of the various tab files that are present in the background.

Intuit's QuickBooks POS system streamlines retail operations, offering seamless transactions, inventory management, and sales tracking. With user-friendly interfaces and robust features, it empowers businesses to efficiently manage their point-of-sale operations. QuickBooks POS ensures accuracy and saves time, enhancing the overall retail experience for both merchants and customers.

Cause of QuickBooks Point of Sale Error 1330

QuickBooks POS error 1330 may arise due to damaged installation files, incomplete downloads, or issues with digital signatures. This error often occurs when verifying files during installation, disrupting smooth setup processes. Identifying and rectifying the underlying installation issues can resolve Error 1330 efficiently.

  • Damaged "authorized digital signs" which come under cab files
  • The error appears partially because "POS" and "Windows Operating system" play a major role.
  • Incorrect date and time in the system also led to QB POS Error 1330.
  • Security software is disrupting the QB installation procedure
  • Your company file is damaged.

Resolution of QuickBooks POS Error 1330: Invalid Digital Signature

You must back up your data before doing any installation or uninstallation. Failing may even damage your data. The QuickBooks experts have suggested the following solutions for QuickBooks Point of Sale Error Code 1330. Resolve QuickBooks Desktop POS error by updating the digital signature. Verify installation source authenticity.

Method 1: Update QuickBooks Point of Sale

Updating QuickBooks to 2024 ensures enhanced functionality, security, and compliance. Stay ahead with seamless upgrades for optimized performance and streamlined financial management.

  • Reboot your system and log in to the system as an Administrator
  • Browse for any Point of Sale updates if any then download them.
  • End all the applications that are running on your system including the POS services. Follow the steps below:
  • Go to Task Manager and click on the Processes tab.
  • End the process for the following .exe file:
    • Qbpos.exe
    • QBPOSShell.exe
    • QBPOSDBService.exe
  • You will have to close the following POS services that are running on your system: QBPOS Database Manager vXX
    • Search services.MSc
    • Open the Services window and browse for QBPOS Database Manager.
    • Close the POS services.
    • Close the services window.
  • Delete the data regarding the product update folder in your system and to do so, follow the steps below:
    • Click Windows Start and open the Windows Explorer window.
    • Click on Show Hidden Windows folders.
    • Browse for the following location on the left side of your window: C: Documents and Settings All Users Application DataIntuitQuickBooks POS XXUpdate.
    • Go to the File menu.
    • Select the Delete option and press the Confirm to Delete option on the confirmation prompt dialog box that appears on your window.
    • Follow the steps above till all the files are deleted from the folder and your folder is empty.
  • Close your Windows Explorer window and update QuickBooks Point of Sale.

Method 2: Re-install the QuickBooks POS - Invalid Digital Signature

Still not able to fix your error 1330 invalid digital signature then this is the solution you would need to try.

  • You will have to uninstall the QuickBooks POS.
  • All the files that are opened on your system save them and exit all the applications that are running on your system.
  • Press the Windows key from your keyboard and open the Run Command window on your system.
  • Type the Control panel on the search field there and press enter.
  • Open the Control Panel on your screen and click on the Add or Remove programs option.
  • Choose the QuickBooks POS from the list and select the Change/Remove option.
  • Press Yes when a prompt dialog box appears on your screen.
  • This will uninstall the application.
  • Rename the QB POS folder in the c drive.
  • Rename the QBPOSDBSrvUser folder that is located in your C drive (C: Documents and Settings).
  • Delete the login for QBPOSDBSrvUser.
  • Press the Windows key from your keyboard and open the Run Command window on your system.
  • In the Search field, type UAC and press Enter.
  • Open the User Accounts and go to the User tab.
  • From the list, select the QBPOSDBSrvUser and delete the account.
  • Reboot your system and re-install the QuickBooks POS.

Another Method to Resolve QuickBooks Error 1330

  • Download the QuickBooks POS update
  • Shut down all the Point of sale POS services and processes by the below steps:
    • Open Task Manager -> Go to the Processes tab
    • Shut down the following processes:
      • dll.exe
      • pos-config.exe
    • End up the following POS services: QBPOS Database Manager vXX (where XX refers to the POS version you are using)
      • Search services.MSc
      • Going to the Services window -> Search for QBPOS Database Manager vXX (where XX again refers to the POS version you are using)
      • End up the POS service and close the services window.
    • Erase the data from the product update folder:
      • Click Windows Start -> Select Open Windows Explorer
      • Show the hidden Windows folders
      • Search in the left window to C: Documents and SettingsAll UsersApplication DataIntuitQuickBooks POS XXUpdate (where XX refers to the maximum number of versions used).
      • Click a file -> Choose Delete -> Confirm to delete. Follow the same process till the folder is empty.
    • Once done close the Windows Explorer and update the POS service by using the downloaded file.

Other QuickBooks POS Errors

The team at will help assist you with your issue. They will diagnose the possible cause of the error and will provide you with a resolution on the phone. QuickBooks error support professionals with the company have years of experience and are capable of assisting you with your issues.

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