None of the students in this school wear glasses. Why is the myopia rate so low?

Yorumlar · 53 Görüntülenmeler

Fanjia Primary School, a rural school in Lizhou district, Guangyuan City, Sichuan Province, has only 51 students, but one feature has surprised many people: None of the students wear glasses, and nine of the 14 teachers wear discount eyeglasses online.

Fanjia Primary School, a rural school in Lizhou district, Guangyuan City, Sichuan Province, has only 51 students, but one feature has surprised many people: None of the students wear glasses, and nine of the 14 teachers wear discount eyeglasses online.


Today, China has at least one "world first" that is worrying - the scale of nearsighted teenagers. According to the results of the 2018 National Children and Adolescents Myopia Survey released by the National Health Commission, the overall myopia rate of children and adolescents is 53.6%, of which the myopia rate of primary school students is 36%.


In April 2019, Zhang Pingyuan, the principal of Fanjia Primary School, told reporters on the phone: "Our school currently has only one nearsighted [student], or transferred from the city." By the end of the year, when the reporter visited the school, the student who transferred from the city had graduated.


On September 25, 2019, Fanjia Primary School conducted a visual inspection on 51 students and found that 5 students had visual acuity below the national standard line - naked eye visual acuity 5.0. This means Fanjia Primary School has a nearsightedness rate of nearly 10% - it is not a "nearsight-free" school.


Two of them had congenital vision defects, and two were transferred from other places, Mr. Zhang said.


From the point of view of students' academic performance, in the more than 30 primary schools in the district, Fanjia Primary School can be ranked in the upper middle.


He Fan, a professor at Peking University HSBC Business School, praised the school as "the most advanced school in China's educational philosophy" after visiting it, believing that it has returned education to the essence of educating people. Luo Zhenyu, the founder of "Luji Thinking", introduced it in a speech.


The year 2019 just passed is the year that Fanjia Primary School welcomed the most visitors. Parents, teachers, scholars from other places, from time to time into this will smell the smell of dung in the village, hoping to learn a little teaching experience. At its peak, it receives visitors three days a week.


When the school opened in the fall of 2019, 11 students transferred from other places were welcomed here, and some parents even rented houses in villages near the school to accompany them.


A mother from Suining, Sichuan province, who brought her two children to study here, said that when she first came here, not wanting her children to be nearsighted was a consideration, but more importantly, she wanted to reduce the pressure on her children.


In Zhang Pingyuan's view, the "popularity" of Fanjia Primary School and the choice of urban children to enroll here also reflect the general "education anxiety" in today's society. But this anxiety has been diluted in Fanjia Primary School.


The parents of the student who transferred from Suining also found that there were indeed no children wearing glasses here, and their children had been in the second grade in the city before, with poor results and slight myopia, and she did not want to give the child too much pressure, so she took the child to Fanjia Primary School. "There was a lot of homework before, and when I came back, I wrote my homework, and I didn't finish cooking the rice." Nowadays, "the teacher rushes the students to the playground after class."


While some of their peers stay up late doing homework, the kids here have finished their bedtime stories and turned out the lights. When some children walk from the classroom into the tutorial class, the children here are walking from the classroom to the village and the mountains and fields.


"Our present education is that the railway police are in charge of each section, and I must see results in my section, and you must see results in yours." Rather than "bleed the children dry in our section," Zhang prefers them to go to nature to avoid "making most children lose interest in learning."


Some people also commented that Fanjia Primary School does not have "universality" in the domestic educational environment, in which Zhang Pingyuan responded in an article: "If I say that the school is capable of accommodating some chaotic schools, schools that do not compare students with other students, schools that do not pick and choose students, schools that do not have myopia... Is that wrong?"


"Man comes from nature, he has to live in nature." Now in our city schools, children are well made and well regulated. This is a school, not a prison or a military camp." In Zhang Pingyuan's view, if the students are very dead, students have no activities, resulting in myopia is inevitable.


But when the children of Fanjia Primary School leave the village and go to the town or city to study middle school, there will be more myopia, Zhang Pingyuan heart is not sure. He was actually worried that sooner or later some of the kids would wear glasses.
