Let me share with you the Toshiba air fryer toaster oven recipe

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Let me share with you the Toshiba air fryer toaster oven recipe. There are many ways to make it fat without oil, more practical than an oven, and instantly transform into a gourmet!

Let me share with you the Toshiba air fryer toaster oven recipe. There are many ways to make it fat without oil, more practical than an oven, and instantly transform into a gourmet!


1. Toshiba air fryer with golden needle mushrooms and mushrooms


This roasted golden needle mushroom should be a must-have when you go to a barbecue shop. Wrap it in tin foil and sprinkle it with a secret sauce. It's not too satisfying to take a bite, but in fact, as long as you have an air fryer, you can also taste the feeling of a barbecue shop at home. Wash the golden needle mushroom and wrap it in tin foil, then add garlic paste, millet chili sauce, oyster sauce, soy sauce, and cooking oil. Prepare some barbecue ingredients, stir well, and add them to the air fryer, Roast at 200 degrees for 10 minutes. Simple and convenient.


Roasting mushrooms is even simpler. Just prepare the barbecue ingredients, wash the mushrooms thoroughly, and put them in. Bake them at 180 degrees for 10 minutes, and you're done. If you want to dry them, bake them for a while longer, which is much more convenient than the oven. Because you put tin foil in, you don't need to brush the pot after frying, which is super convenient.


2. Toshiba air fryer version of roasted sweet potatoes and grilled fish


After finishing talking about the commonly eaten mushrooms, the next steps are grilled fish and roasted sweet potatoes. When it gets cold in autumn and winter, everyone also wants to have a hot roasted sweet potato at work in the morning. After work, have a grilled fish. When you have an air fryer, these two are very easy. After washing the sweet potatoes, put them in the oven and bake them at 200 degrees for 25 minutes, you don't need to put any seasoning or even brush the frying basket inside.


Roasting fish is even simpler. After the fish is marinated, it is placed in an air fryer and the sauce is also poured in. After roasting at 195 degrees for 10 minutes, it is taken out and flipped over for another 10 minutes. After that, it is over. If you want to eat spicy food, you need to prepare a pot and add the fish and side dishes. It's like eating hot pot, cooking while eating, saving money and trouble.


3. Various vegetables and chicken wings, chicken legs, tofu


In addition to grilled fish, you can also make Orleans chicken wings and chicken legs. The chicken wings are at 200 degrees for 15 minutes, while the chicken legs depend on their size. The smaller ones are at 200 degrees for 15 minutes, while the larger ones range from 20 to 30 minutes.


There are also many choices of vegetables, such as roasted leeks, eggplants, etc., with a temperature and time of 180 degrees for 10 minutes. Among many vegetables, everyone must try roasting potato chips. Cut the potatoes into thin slices and put them into a pot for roasting. What you get is a portion of potato chips, as well as dried tofu and bean curd. Roast for 15 minutes at 185 degrees, which is really good. Making you a gourmet in seconds is not a problem.


4. Cake and egg tarts


Another type of food is desserts. Toshiba air fryers are also available, such as egg tarts, fried Qifeng cakes, and of course, a series of foods such as chicken rice flowers, French fries, etc. Everyone can use an air fryer with a drop of oil to satisfy their cravings while not getting fat. This truly confirms the saying that everything can be fried.
