Albucid Eye Drop

Albucid Eye Drop is one of the most widely used eye preparations to treat various eye infections. It is included with sulfacetamide sodium which is an effective antimicrobial substance. This medication can be used to decrease the rate and/or halt the reproduction and proliferation of bacteria and other microorganisms inside the eyes.

Albucid Eye Drop is used in cases such as conjunctivitis, and keratitis among many others, especially in cases of corneal ulcers. It can also be prescribed as prophylactic to be taken after eye surgery to prevent situations where one can easily get an infection. This is a medication that is given through the eye since it comes in the form of eye drops and this medication is ideal in eradicating eye discomfort.

Albucid Eye Drop can be used by following the steps below; With a clean hand, first wash your hands and bend your head slightly backward. Make slight movement to bring down the lower eyelid as if making a pocket. Take the prescribed number of drops and transfer them in a pocket, making sure that you do not touch your eye or any other surface with the dropper.

