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DO YOU dream of having a v-shape face?
Do you dream of having a V-shaped face?
Often seen as the most desirable facial shape, a V-shaped face features a slender profile with a defined jawline and well-contoured chin, which are considered youthful and elegant.

Thanks to technological advancements, achieving this look is now possible through various non-surgical procedures.

Slimmer Face – Jaw BTX
If you have prominent or bulky jaw muscles, this treatment can relax and reduce their size, resulting in a slimmer, smoother jawline. The procedure is clinically proven and mostly painless, with results visible in 3-4 weeks and lasting about 4-6 months.

FLX Face Lift
As we age, our skin loses collagen and elastin, causing sagging and a heavier-looking jawline.

This non-invasive device uses Monopolar Radio-Frequency energy to tighten and smooth skin. It can be applied to the face, eyelids, and body. Monopolar Radio Frequency FLX system includes built-in surface skin cooling while delivering RF energy deep into the dermis. There is minimal downtime, and results could last up to 1-1.5 years.

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