abortion pill ottawa

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abortion pill ottawa abortion pill ottawa

abortion pill ottawa

Abortion Pill Availability at Ottawa Abortion Clinic

The abortion pill, also known as medication abortion, offers a safe and effective option for terminating an early pregnancy. Here's what you need to know here at abortion clinics ottawa its availability and how to prepare.


Medication abortion is available for pregnancies up to 8 to 9 weeks after the first day of your last menstrual period. It is crucial to note this timeline to ensure that you are within the appropriate window for this method. Click for more update abortion clinic ottawa 

Exceeding the 9-Week Limit

If your last menstrual period occurred more than 8 to 9 weeks ago, don't worry; you still have options. Reach out to us, and we can provide you with a referral list of healthcare providers in your area who offer other abortion services that may be suitable for your situation.

Appointment-Based Service

Medication abortion services are available strictly by appointment. This ensures that you receive the necessary care and support in a controlled and professional healthcare setting.

Post-Appointment Information

After your medication abortion appointment, there are essential post-appointment considerations:

Follow-Up: If you wish, we can schedule a follow-up to ensure that the medication abortion was successful and that you are in good health. This follow-up is a precautionary measure to confirm the completion of the abortion process.

Possible Further Steps: In the unlikely event that you are still pregnant after the medication abortion, additional steps may be required. This could involve another dose of medication or an in-clinic abortion procedure to terminate the pregnancy safely. Rest assured that we will guide you through the appropriate course of action.

After-Care Instructions: You will receive clear after-care instructions to help you recover comfortably and safely. These instructions will provide guidance on managing any discomfort and ensuring your well-being during the recovery period.

Surgical Abortion in Ottawa


At Abortion Clinic Ottawa, we offer a safe and efficient surgical abortion procedure that typically requires just one visit, providing you with compassionate care throughout the process. Here are the key details about our surgical abortion services:


  • Single Visit: Our surgical abortion procedure is designed to be completed in just one visit, minimizing any inconvenience for our patients.
  • Average Duration: The surgical abortion typically lasts approximately 3 hours on average, ensuring a streamlined and efficient process.

Pregnancy Stage

  • Up to 11 to 14 Weeks: We perform surgical abortions on pregnancies of up to 11 to 14 weeks, calculated from the first day of your last menstrual period.

Procedure Details

  • Method: Our surgical abortion is conducted using a method called dilation, suction, and curettage (D&C).
  • Duration of Procedure: The actual surgical procedure itself lasts about 8 to 10 minutes, ensuring minimal discomfort for our patients.
  • Pain Management: Thanks to the use of appropriate medications during the procedure, pain is typically minimal, and many patients report little to no discomfort. Additionally, most patients have no recollection of the surgical procedure due to these medications.

Supportive Care

  • Nurse Assistance: Throughout the surgical abortion procedure, a caring and supportive nurse will be present to attend to both your physical and emotional needs.


  • Recovery Room: After the procedure, you will be required to rest in our recovery room for approximately one hour to ensure your well-being.
  • Accompanying Person: Please note that the person accompanying you cannot be present during the actual procedure.
  • Resuming Activities: Typically, you can resume your regular activities the day after the procedure, but it's advisable to avoid strenuous exercise.
  • Driving Restrictions: For your safety, please refrain from driving for 24 hours after the abortion.

Fertility and Contraception

  • Fertility Unaffected: It's important to understand that our surgical abortion procedure does not impact a woman's fertility.
  • Pregnancy After Abortion: You can become pregnant in the weeks following the abortion, which underscores the importance of effective contraception.

Medical Abortion:  Ottawa

Medical abortion, also known as the abortion pill, is a non-invasive and safe method for terminating early pregnancies. This procedure is typically performed within the first 9 to 12 weeks of pregnancy, counting from the first day of your last menstrual period. Medical abortion involves a combination of two medications, Mifepristone and Misoprostol, which work together to stop the pregnancy and expel its contents. The process is often accompanied by minimal pain, and many patients have no recollection of the procedure due to the medications used. Medical abortion provides women with a confidential and effective choice in managing their reproductive health.

 Bleeding After Medical Abortion

After a medical abortion, it's important to understand what to expect regarding vaginal bleeding and when surgical intervention may be necessary. Here is a guide on managing post-abortion bleeding:

Duration of Bleeding

  • Vaginal bleeding typically diminishes gradually over approximately two weeks following a medical abortion.
  • In some cases, spotting may persist for up to 45 days.

Indications for Surgical Intervention

  • Prolonged bleeding or the presence of tissue in the uterus, as detected by obstetric ultrasonography, does not necessarily require surgical intervention if the woman is in good health.
  • Remaining products of conception are often expelled during subsequent vaginal bleeding.
  • Surgical intervention, such as vacuum aspiration or dilation and curettage, may be considered if:
    • Bleeding is heavy or prolonged.
    • Bleeding leads to anemia.
    • There is evidence of endometritis (inflammation of the uterine lining).
    • It is the woman's preference or request.

Comparing Bleeding in Medical and Surgical Abortions

  • Medical abortion is associated with more bleeding compared to surgical abortion.
  • However, overall bleeding for both methods is minimal and not clinically significant.
  • A large-scale prospective trial in 2022 involving over 26,000 women undergoing medical abortion using mifepristone with various doses of gemeprost or sulprostone found that only 0.2% experienced hemorrhage requiring a blood transfusion.

When to Seek Medical Care

  • It is advisable to contact a healthcare provider if bleeding exceeds a certain threshold. Specifically, if more than two pads are soaked per hour for two consecutive hours, medical attention should be sought.

Prevalence of Medical Abortions

The prevalence of medical abortions has been on the rise, offering individuals a non-surgical option for terminating pregnancies. Here's an overview of their prevalence based on data from different sources:

Canada Statistics (2020)

  • A survey conducted by the Guttmacher Institute, encompassing all known abortion providers in the Canada, revealed that medical abortions accounted for a significant portion, constituting 23% of all abortions in 2021. Notably, this figure does not include self-induced abortions.

Canada Statistics:

  • At Abortion Clinic Ottawa in Canada, the use of medical abortions has been steadily increasing over the years. In 2011, they accounted for 32% of first-trimester abortions, which rose to 25% in 2022 and further to 31% in 2023.

Global Trends (2022):

In 2022, medical abortion regimens employing mifepristone in combination with a prostaglandin analog emerged as the most commonly utilized methods for inducing second-trimester abortions in several regions, including Canada, most of Europe, China, and India.

Interestingly, this trend differs significantly from the United States, where 90% of second-trimester abortions continued to be performed via surgical procedures.

Self-Induced Abortion

A self-induced abortion, also known as a self-managed abortion or self-induced miscarriage, is a term used to describe abortions that are initiated and conducted by the pregnant woman herself or with the assistance of individuals who are not medical professionals. While this term encompasses abortions induced outside of clinical settings, often involving legally available over-the-counter medications, it also encompasses attempts to terminate a pregnancy using alternative methods, which can be significantly riskier

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