🌟 Understanding the Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS) is key to mastering outpatient billing. Our latest blog breaks down the complexities of OPPS, from Ambulatory Payment Classifications (APCs) and Comprehensive APCs to pass-through payments and outlier payments. Read the full blog @ https://bit.ly/3YuMGsi

🔍 What You Need to Know:
• APCs: Categorize services to ensure consistent payments.
• C-APCs: Bundle primary services with related items for comprehensive reimbursement.
• Pass-Through Payments: Extra funds for new technologies and high-cost items.
• Outlier Payments: Additional reimbursement for exceptionally costly procedures.

✨ Ready to streamline your billing process? Info Hub Consultancy Services specializes in optimizing your revenue cycle management. Let us handle the intricacies of OPPS so you can focus on delivering exceptional patient care.

📞 Contact Info Hub Consultancy Services today and discover how we can optimize your revenue cycle management! 🌟https://infohubconsultancy.com/contact-us/
