why Career Counselling is Important for Students
Firstly, career counselling plays a crucial role in helping students discover their passions and interests. Many students enter their academic journey without a clear understanding of their strengths and inclinations. A skilled career counsellor employs various tools, assessments, and discussions to unearth the unique talents and preferences of each student. By delving into their interests, hobbies, and academic achievements, students can gain valuable insights that shape their career aspirations. This self-discovery process not only fosters a sense of purpose but also ensures that students embark on a career path aligned with their genuine interests.

Reasons why Career Counselling is Important for Students - Kalpavriksha Academy

Reasons why Career Counselling is Important for Students - Kalpavriksha Academy

Table of Contents In a world where career choices are as diverse as the talents and ambitions of individuals, the importance of career counselling & guidance cannot be excessive. It acts as a compass, providing students with the necessary resourc